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План внеклассного мероприятия в 6 классе

Тема: My Belarus

Цель: закрепление и углубление знаний о Беларуси


Создать условия для

- обобщения знаний учащихся о Беларуси

- развития памяти, внимания, мышления учащихся

- развития интереса к изучаемому предмету

- воспитания чувства патриотизма и любви к своей Родине

- сплочения коллектива в ходе совместной деятельности

- формирования умения работать в команде

Форма мероприятия: конкурс-викторина


Оборудование: раздаточный материал


Ход мероприятия

Приветствие: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you. Today we`re going to have a quiz «My Belarus».        

I hope you know a lot about our country and you`ll cope with the tasks. For your right answers I`ll give you cornflowers. And at the end of the lesson, we`ll see our winner.

Конкурс -викторина.

Задание 1: So, we have two teams. And first, let`s know the names of our teams.

You have some letters. Make the word of them. This will be the name of your team. The fastest will get the first cornflower!


Задание 2: The next task will show who knows more about the Geography of Belarus. You should answer 8 questions.

1.What`s the full name of our country? (The Republic of Belarus)

2.Where`s Belarus situated? (In eastern Europe)

3.What`s the population of Belarus? (10 mln people)

4.What`s the area of our country? (207.6 thousand sq/ km)

5.How many regions are there in Belarus? (6)

6.Where is Orsha? (in Vitebsk region)

7.What`s the biggest mount in Belarus? (Mount Dzerzhinskaya)

8.What`s the population of Minsk? (about 2 mln people)


Задание 3: Well done! Now let`s speak about the nature of Belarus. Answer my questions.

1.How many species of plants and animals in Belarus? (12000)

2.What trees in Belovezhskaya Puscha are from 300 to 700 years old? (oaks)

3.What species of animals live in the wilds in our country? (elks, wild boars, deer, wolves, hares, beavers)

4.What animal is the symbol of Belarus? (European bison)

5.What lake is rich of fish in Belarus? (Lake Naroch)

6.What kinds of fish do you know? (pike,eel, trout)

7.Are there dangerous snakes in Belarus? (no, there aren`t)

8.Why Belarus is called a blue-eyed country? (there are a lot of lakes)


Задание 4: Great job! Now, let`s do the crossword. The first team will get a cornflower!

1.The symbol of Belarusian fields (cornflower)

2.The capital of Belarus (Minsk)

3.What country does Belarus border on in the west? (Poland)

4.What country does Belarus border on in the north and east? (Russia)

5.The biggest lake in Belarus (Naroch)

6.A famous Belarussian writer and poet- Yanka… (Kupala)

7.This place is famous for our musical festival “Slavyansky Bazar”(Vitebsk)



Задание 5: Now let`s guess the symbols of Belarus. Answer my questions.

1.It’ s one of the national symbols. It is red, white and green (a flag)

2.What are the colours of our national costumes? (white and red)

3.Look and say. What is it? (Belarusian emblem)

4. It is the symbol of Belarusian fields. (a cornflower)

5.This bird is a symbol of good luck (a stork)

6.The symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha (a bison)

7.What`s this? (the anthem)


Задание 6: Match two parts of proverbs and translate them.


Every country has its customs. (Cколько стран - столько и обычаев)

East or West, home is best. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)

There is no place like home. (Нет лучше места, чем дом)

My house is my castle. (Мой дом — моя крепость)


Задание 7: And the last task is to draw everything what you know about Belarus: the capital, regions, cities, neighbouring countries, rivers, lakes… The more, the better.

So, our competition is over. And our winner is …..

Заключение: Thank you for your participation. I hope you`ve known a lot about our country and you`ve got lot of positive emotions!