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Игнатенко Е.Н.

Тема урока: Science and technology

Цель урока: готовность учащихся к монологическим и диалогическим высказываниям по теме

Задачи: создать условия для

- развития коммуникативных умений и навыков по теме

- развития навыков аудирования

- формирования навыков самостоятельной и парной работы, готовности к общению в разных ситуациях

- обеспечения коммуникативного и эмоционального развития учащихся посредством овладения способами формирования и формулирования мысли на иностранном языке


Презентация My “smart house”

Презентация Gadgets or high-tech technologies


Ход урока

Этапы урока

Задачи этапа



1.Организацион-ный этап.

Речевая зарядка

Обеспечить нормальную внешнюю обстановку для работы на уроке. Психологически подготовить учащихся к общению.

Создать атмосферу иноязычного общения. Пробудить интерес учеников к изучаемой теме.

Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.                                                                           How are you today? I hope you are fine.

Let’s start our lesson. The theme of our lesson today is Science and technology

T You know that wonderful inventions are created in science and technologies .They are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier.

This is what we are going to speak about at our lesson.

And dear students we are expecting to see your projects today.

Answer my questions:

-Is science an important part of our lives?

- What gadgets have you got in your house?

- Is the Internet a great source of information and entertainment for many people

- Does technology  save our time

-Do people do business, communicate and do the shopping on the Internet.

- What is your favourite gadget ? Why?

2 мин.

2.Этап актуализации субъектного опыта учащихся

Обеспечить мотивацию учеников. Актуализировать субъектный опыт учащихся.

Children, today we are going to speak about

Science and technology    

And today at the lesson we have to learn how to:

  1. 1)Speak about Science and technology
  2. 2)Present projects
  3. 3)Watch video about smart house and new inventions in science and discuss it.

1 мин.

3. Этап проверки домашнего задания.    

Совершенствование навыков произношения звуков. Ориентирует на достижение основных практических целей урока.

Установить правильность, полноту и осознанность выполнения домашнего задания всеми учащимися.

1 But first of all let’s revise the names of modern inventions that have changed our life.

Slide 1

T Look at the pictures on the screen. What modern inventions do people use in everyday life and why do people use them

Slide 2

T You know that many abbreviations and English words are used in Russian language but most people do not know their meanings. Let’s see if you know the abbreviations of some words.

Slide 3

(speaking and using vocabulary)

What gadgets have you got?


Slide 4

Match the words with the phrases

2 Projects


1)   Advertisement.  

But I wonder how these modern gadgets and machines get into our life, who can advise you to choose this or that thing?

T Yes, TV, radio, magazines and newspapers advertise a lot of products. And today you’ve prepared advertisements of some modern devices. Your task is to listen attentively and be ready to say what device would you buy and why.


(pupils present their projects)


Which of these two gadgets would you like to buy? Why?



2) The Internet.

T I suppose you use your computer almost every day. And we can’t imagine our life without using the Internet. But you know that the Internet has not only advantages   but the disadvantages too. Your task was to prepare a project about using the Internet. Listen attentively and be ready to say what disadvantages of the using the Internet are.

(pupils present their projects)

T   What are the disadvantages of the Internet?

What would you advise people who spend too much time on the Internet?


3) Smart house.  

T Everybody at home has different gadgets and electronical machines which are used in everyday life.

Name the things without which you can’t imagine living in your house.

(a dish washer, a vacuum-cleaner, a microwave-oven, a fridge).

You know soon everything at home will be operated with computers. Such houses are called “Smart houses”. What will these houses look like?

Meet the representatives of the building company “Smart homes”

(pupils present their project)

T Did you like the project? Would you like to live in a smart house?

3 мин.

8 мин.

  1. 1.Этап закрепления новых знаний и способов деятельности.

Обеспечить усвоение учащимися знаний и способов деятельности на уровне их применения в разнообразных ситуациях.


10   мин

12 мин.

  1. 2.Этап рефлексии

Инициировать рефлексию учащихся по поводу своего эмоционального состояния, своей деятельности, взаимодействия с учителем и одноклассниками.

Now, children, let’s see whether we have reached the aims of our lesson.

     Finish my sentence “Now I can …”

3   мин.

  1. 3.Заключительный этап, этап информации о домашнем задании

Подведение итогов урока. Дать качественную оценку работы класса и отдельных учащихся. Обеспечить понимание учащимися цели, содержания и способов выполнения домашнего задания.

Children, I’m satisfied with your work at the lesson today.

Your task will be

3 мин.


                                                                             Homes of the future


1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6.


1…….. an experiment                                          a. a useful tool that uses new technology


2…….. a housemate                                              b. a test to find out how well something works


3…….. to evolve                                                      c. most recent or newest


4…….. a gadget                                                      d. to change and improve the design of something overtime


5…….. a control panel                                           e. someone who shares a house with you


6…….. latest                                                             f. a set of buttons which can operate a machine or a system




2. Circle the best words to complete these sentences.


1. In the first house shown in the video, the shower water is heated by electricity / wind energy / solar energy .


2. These houses are experimental / for sale / real people’s homes .


3. The technology in these houses helps them make more efficient use of energy / water / space


compared to ordinary houses.


4. There’s a card scanner / fingerprint scanner / retina scanner to open the door.


5. When it’s hot, the windows / curtains / shutters close automatically.


6. The chair also contains books / food and drink / toys .




3. Match the two sentence halves and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6.


1…….. I would love a self-cleaning house                            a. that could cook all my meals for me.


2…….. I'd like an eco-house                                                     b. so I could watch the football everywhere.


3…….. I'd like a front door                                                       c. that does all the housework for me.


4…….. I'd like a TV in each room                                            d. with a fingerprint scanner for security.


5…….. I'd like a robot chef                                                      e. that automatically makes itself every morning.


6…….. I would love a bed                                                          f. that uses renewable energy.


4. Answer the questions


1. What would your dream house be like?


2. What gadgets would you like to have in it?


3. Who would your ideal housemates be?